Cut your monthly energy use by 18% with the ivie app

Get ready to be more energy-efficient than ever before. The ivie app uses your smart meter energy data to give you personalised energy savings tips, reports and challenges. Cut costs and earn rewards as you go. Download the free ivie smart meter app and save today. On average, ivie app users reduce their monthly electricity use by 18% and their gas use by 24%.
Why the ivie smart meter app is perfect for you

Every home uses energy differently. And that’s the beauty of the ivie app. Powered by your smart meter, the ivie app uses your energy data to create personalised tips and insights on how to use less energy. Fun challenges help you bank rewards, win prizes and save money, energy and carbon.

Track what's eating up your budget
Get personalised tips and challenges
See live data only with the ivie Bud
Save energy and get rewarded for it

See where you’re spending the most

Not sure what’s eating up your budget? The ivie app breaks down your energy usage by activity and works out easy ways where you can cut down and save.

The ivie app accurately pinpoints where you’re using the most energy so you can make smart decisions and take actions to reduce your usage.

Get rewarded for saving energy

Energy can be complicated. And even a bit boring. With the ivie app, it’s rewarding! When you have less energy than expected on a given day or complete challenges, you’ll earn ivie points.

Use these to enter into weekly competitions and be in for a chance of winning things like a £25 Amazon voucher!

On average, ivie app users reduce their monthly electricity use by 18% and their gas use by 24%.

The above energy saving figures are the results of a consumer study conducted amongst 238 ivie app users who accessed a survey comparing their gas and electricity use in Oct, Nov & Dec 2022 (when respondents had been using the ivie app) against the same period in 2021, before the ivie app was launched on August 31, 2022.