Why Are Energy Prices Rising and Should I Switch Energy Supplier?

The energy price crisis continues as the price cap is predicted to rise by 50% in April this year. But why does energy cost so much more these days? What does the energy price cap have to do with you? And, most importantly, what can you do to keep your energy bills as low as […]

How Can We Combat Fuel Poverty: A Case Study

What happens when the available funding still isn’t enough? At Effective Home, we will do everything we can to support fuel-poor households get the heating they desperately need. So, when a client came to us who was struggling to afford a new boiler, even with support from the ECO scheme, we knew we had to […]

What Do I Do If My Energy Supplier Goes Bust?

Yesterday, another energy provider went under as Bulb enters Special Administration. With 1.7m Bulb clients, there will be a lot of people asking the question today; “What happens if my energy supplier goes bust?”. We’re here to answer that question. Read through our guide to understand what you need to do now to look after […]