4 Things To Consider When Turning Your Heating on After Summer

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Every year, the debate rages on about when it’s time to turn the heating back on. According to Migrate, an automated energy-switching service, the average date most Brits turn their heating on is the 17th of October. Others suggest that we use the changing of the clocks as our guide. This year, with the rising price of energy, more households might be choosing to delay their winter switch on as long as possible.

Nevertheless, if we can’t agree on a date, we can at least all recognise that turning on your boiler after a few months off can be a nerve-racking affair. It’s the time when you’re most likely to have boiler issues. So, how can we make this task less stressful? Keep reading to discover our quick, 4-point checklist for keeping your boiler happy this autumn.

  1. Book your annual boiler service

It’s good practice to get your boiler serviced once a year by a Gas Safe engineer. This will bring any potential issues to light, and you’ll have the opportunity to fix things before the weather gets too cold.

  1. Check for cold spots on your radiator

When you do first turn your heating on, take the opportunity to check on the health of your radiators. If you find cold patches, it’s a sign of built-up air in the pipes and it’s time to bleed your radiators.

Making sure your radiators are working to their full potential also keeps your energy bill from getting higher than necessary.

  1. Don’t turn the heating up too fast too soon

Take it slow while your heating system find its feet again. The weather isn’t freezing yet so there’s no need to go full-blast straight away. Try turning your heating up 1° at a time and gradually building up the length of time your heating is on for.

  1. Consider how old your boiler is

Unfortunately, boilers don’t live forever. If your boiler is more than 8 years old, it might have already seen its last winter. Pay careful attention to your service report and think about whether now is the time for an upgrade.

Remember that, if funding is an issue, we can help – call our team on 0333 003 0703 and we can assess what support could be available to you.

As a bonus tip, why not commit to better boiler habits for next year? Turning your heating on for a few minutes each month over summer means you’re less likely to have issues in the autumn.

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October 13, 2021